Refund & Shipping Policy

We want you to love our product. If you are not satisfied with your product please leave us an email at and we will send over a discounted code for a new purchase. Since our products are handmade and fresh to order we cannot accept the products back especially due to sanitary reasons. 

This code can be given to you 30 days within the time your order was delivered. 

If you have any questions about our policy please feel free to take a look at our FAQ page or reach out to us. 


The Shipping Options below apply to in-stock merchandise for orders shipped within the United States and U.S. Territories. 

STANDARD $8.99 7 - 14 business days

Orders with 15 products or more may take 7 - 20 business days

Orders used with the "HEALTHCARE" code are subject to 45 days or more as they are FREE bars.

For order shipping outside of the U.S. 

STANDARD $18.00 7 - 20 business days

Orders with 15 products or more may take 7 - 25 business days